Space X, 1985
Armory for the Arts
February 14 - March 29, 1985
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Jim Arender, Bonita Barlow, Burrell Brennemen, Alexander Brown, Steven Catron, Edward Cavalli, Terry Conrad, Bruce Davis, William Davis, Nick Dodd, Gary Dryzmala, Joan Eggan, Jane Farrar, Anne Farrell, Ike Fordyce, Alejandro Garcia, Maggie Glass, Kristina Hagman, Pat Harris, Richard Hooker, Shelley Horton-Trippe, Rudy Hunziker, Mayme Krantz, DM Kuzio, Eve Laramee, Dara Levine, Herb Lotz, Steven Lowe, Lyn Lown, Cheryl McLean, Blue McRight, Michael Motley, Patrick Mehaffy, Joel Muller, Nargis, Janau Nordlinger, Mark Oliver, Lynn Osbourne, Ron Pokrasso, Francis Rivera, Rubber Lady, Janet Russek, Celia Rumsey, Valerie Santagto, Iren Schio, Melvin Sedillo, Barbara Simpson, Roxanne Swentzell, Gina Telcocci, Barbara Van Cleve, Julie Wagner, Erika Wanenmacher, Jerry West, and others. |
Susan Steffy and Ray Belcher
Governor's Gallery
February 26, - March 28, 1986 |
John S. Candelario: A Retrospective of Photographs
Governor's Gallery
March 16 - April 8, 1986 |
Janet Stein Romero and Monika Steinhoff
Governor's Gallery
May 12- June 6, 1986 |
Expressionist Prints
Governor's Gallery
June 9, - July 4, 1986
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Tina Fuentes, Joel Greene, Lynne Allen, Paul Shapiro, and Bill Gersh. |
Los Músicos del Corazón:
Portraits of Traditional Hispanic Musicians by Jack Parsons
Governor's Gallery
July 7, - August 2, 1986
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Contemporary Native American Artists
Governor's Gallery
August 5, - August 30, 1986
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Marcus Amerman, Norman Akers, David Bradley, Doug Coffin, Tom Coffin, Imogene Goodshot Arquero, Patrick Gomez, James Havard, Bob Haozous, Michael McCabe, Ramona Sakiestewa, Bill Soza, Darren Vigil, Jacquie Stevens, and Randy Lee White. |
13th Annual Governor's Awards for Excellence & Achievement in the Arts
Governor's Gallery
October, 1986
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Elmer Schooley, Van Deren Coke, Doris Cross, Cleofes Ortiz, John M. Glowacki, Max Roybal, Cottonwood Printing |
Landscape / Cityscape
Governor's Gallery
November 5 - December 5, 1986
Paul Akmajian, Antoinio Alvarez, Donald Anderson, David Barbero, Rosa Maria Calles, Carlos Carulo, Jamie Chase, Trinon Crouch, Tom Gavitt, Carlos Glass, Felice Lucero-Giaccardo, Polly Jackson, Spencer Kimball, Richard Lange, Ralph Leon, Dick Mason, Joanna Nedboy, Francis Rivera, Victoria Rogers, and /Bernadette Vigil. |
Traditions & Transitions: Eight Master Weavers
Governor's Gallery
January 12 - February 10, 1987
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Nada Natan-Currier, Elsie Natan, Anita Natan-Teengar, Margaret Cody, Dorothy Cody, Nora Cody, Alice Blackwater, and Dr. Robert Currier. |
Enabled Vl - An Exhibition of Artists Who Are Disabled
A Project of Very Special Arts New Mexico
Governor's Gallery
February 10 - February 26, 1987
Joyce Bashien, Dan Berry, Welton Brady, Teri Corbin, Barbara Goldmiller, Marion Holquin, Mitzie Morrato, Michael Naranjo, Christine Parkhurst, James Reid, Charlie Sanchez, Ken Saville, Richard Sortomme, Sol Torrin, Rick Trujillo, Barbara Williams. |
Wlater Chappell: Landscape Abstractions
Governor's Gallery
April 8 - May 1, 1987 |
David Winston: Sculpture
John Catterall: Paintings & Prints
Governor's Gallery
August 11 - September 11, 1987 |
Marcia Keegan: Southwest Indian Images
Governor's Gallery
September 15 - October 9, 1987 |
Ernest Knee
Governor's Gallery
December, 1987 |
The West in Paint & Bronze
Governor's Gallery
January 4 - February 26, 1988
Harvey Johnson, Duke Sundt, Gary Niblett, Gary Morton, Gordon Snidow, Barry Lambirth, and Bill Moyers. |
Barbara Van Cleve Photographs
Governor's Gallery of Photography
January 4 - February 26, 1988 |
New Mexico Flora
Governor's Gallery
May 2- June 10, 1988
James Asher, Walter Chappell, Beth Dennis, Ellie Dunn, Carol Estes, Barbara Erdman, Michelle Goodman, Una Hanbury, Ted Hodoba, Phyllis Hughes, Robert DeWitt Ivey, Paula King, Paul Knight, Kate Krasin, Selena Lee, Charles Mann, Dr. William C. Martin, Forrest Moses, Ann Moul, Gail Russell, Anne Sawyer, Shane Shane, Richard Solomon, Prof. Richard Spellenberg, Talavaya, Niki Threlkeld, Art Usner, Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey, and Dr. Dale Zimmermann. |
Eliot Porter
Governor's Gallery
May 2- June 3, 1988 |
Carl Cogar: Solo Exhibition
Governor's Gallery
September, 1988 |
Photographs by Russell & Pamela Bamert
Governor's Gallery of Photography
October 3, 1988 - October 31, 1988 |
Color Photographs by Paige Pinnell
Governor's Gallery of Photography
November 3, 1988 - November 30, 1988 |
Portraits of New Mexicans
Governor's Gallery
December 13, 1988 - January 21, 1989
Fenton Richards, Melvin Pesata, Jim Klukkert, Steve LaSalle, Ron Adams, Ron Cooper, Sherry Lorraine, Patricia Sanford, Edna Harper, Star Liana York, Diane Reyna, Jacque Evans, Helen Ouellette, Jacquie K. Cattaneo, Darren Vigil-Gray, Inger Jirby, Glenna Goodacre, Paul Keith, William Davis, C.D. Bond, Barbara Harmon, Jonathan Sobol, Zig Jackson, Steve Hanks, Teri Sodd, Nelson Tsosie, and Eugene Jardin. |
Rock Art Rediscovered: Photographs by David Noble
Governor's Gallery of Photography
January 23 - February 10, 1989 |
New Mexico Petroglyphs
Governor's Gallery
January 23 - February 10, 1989
Helen Hardin, Bill Jackson, Michio Takayama, Nancy Sutor, Agnes Sims, David Bradley, Phillip Loretto, Ralph Aragon, Charles Lovato, Dan Namingha, Bob Montoya, Mary Ann Nibbelink, Ross LewAllen, and others. |
Art by New Mexico Veterans
Co-Sponsored by the NM Veteran's Service Commission
Governor's Gallery
February 13 - March 10, 1989 |
New Mexico Watecolor Society
Governor's Gallery
April, 1989
Barbara Baum, Susan Birdsong, Candace Cates-Cavallier, Valerie Cordaro, Maureen Cue, Maxine W. Fine, Marie Fuertsch, Kay Green, Dorothy S. Harroun, Elaine Holien, Sandra Humphries, Julia Jordan, Dorothy Keightley, Martha Light, Joan McConnell, Michaelallen McGuire, Helen Sturges Nadler, Vera Maillet Reynolds, Eloise Rogers, Robert R. Secrest, Bonnie Spear, Jinni Thomas, Pat Mitchell Thompson, Todd Tibbals, D. Lowery Vorhees, and Gale Waddell. |
Una Hanbury: A Retrospective Exhibition of Sculpture
Governor's Gallery
May, 1989 |
Ila McAfee: A Retrospecitve Exhibition of Paintings
Governor's Gallery
June 6 - June 30, 1989 |
Barbara Simpson: Hand-Painted Photographs
Governor's Gallery of Photography
June 6 - June 30, 1989 |
Dan Namingha: Recent Paintings & Works on Paper
Governor's Gallery
July 3 - August 2, 1989 |
Anna Christine Hansen: Views of Reality
Governor's Gallery
August 16 - September 8, 1989 |
New Mexico Highlands University: Electronic Images
Governor's Gallery
September 12 - September 22, 1989 |
Printmaking in New Mexico: A Native American Perspective
Stables Art Center, Taos
April 27 - May 20, 1990
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David Bradley, Gina Gray, Bob Haozous, Bobbi Emerson Kittsman, Jean LaMarr, Linda Lomahaftewa, Michael McCabe, Dan Namingha, Erwin Printup Jr., and Darren Vigil Gray. |
Hispanic Arts & Crafts: Tradicíon Nuevo Mexicana
New Mexico Arts & Crafts Fair - NM State Fairgrounds Fine Arts Gallery
June 22 – 24, 1990
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Juanita Jaramillo Lavadie, Lydia Garcia, Jacobo, Irvin & Lisa Trujillo, Teresa Archuleta-Sagel, Billy Rodriguez & Lisa Lawrence, Jose Benjamin Lopez, Pola Jaramillo, Alberto Castagna, David Escudero, Edward Gonzales, Eliseo, Paula & Vicki Rodriguez, Gloria Lopez Cordova, Marie Romero Cash, Frank Alarid, Jerry Sandoval, Richard Sandoval, Frederico Vigil, Sanbinita Lopez Ortiz, Emilia & Senaida Romero, Olivar Martinez, Bomifacio Sandoval, Bernadette Vigil, Luis Tapia, Jimmy Trujillo, Aurelio Pacheco, Alejandro Lopez, Geroge Chacon, Antonio Archuleta, Vicente Martinez, Tierra Wools, Soledad Marjon, Clarence Mondragon, Abad Lucero, Charlie Carrillo, Felix Lopez, David E. C de Baca, Ted Crespin, Ramon Lopez, Cecilia Portal, Mary Graves, Manuel Lopez, Irene Martinez Yates, Estevan Arellano, Helen Sosaya, Linda Montoya, Ernesto Burciaga, William Cabrera, Fred Romero, Miguel Gandert, Monica Sosaya Halford, and Rosina Lopez de Short. |
A New Mexico Tradition: Southwestern Realism
New Mexico Museum of Art - September, 1990
Taiwan National Museum - June, 1991
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William Acheff, James Asher, Glenna Goodacre, Roy Grinnell, Allan Houser, Wilson Hurley, Harvey Johnson, James Kramer, David McGary, Gary Morton, William Moyers, Gary Niblett, Morris Rippel, Gordon Snidow, Bettina Steinke, Paul Strisik, and Wayne Wolfe. |
Selections from the New Mexico State Fair Permanent Collection
NM State Fairgrounds Fine Arts Gallery
October 27 – November 11, 1990
Jimmy Abeita, Kenneth Adams, Sadie Adams, Mary Archuleta, Bahy Ashley, Eugene Joe Baatsos/ani, Jane Baca, Josef Bakos, Jean Bales, Walter Bambrook, Robert Becenti, Harrison Begay, Rose Begay, Sadie Benally, Fred Bia, Dan Bodelson, Don Brackett, Breshnahan, Charlotte Bruce, Clifford Brycela, C.J. Bruckner, Judith Carr, Grieg Chapian, Fred Cleveland, Lee Dailey, Robert Daughters, Tsutae Daylay, George Dick, Darol Dickinson, Ralph Douglas, David Drummond, Desbah Evans, Joseph Fleck, Ramon Froman, Reycita Garcia, Gene Garriott, Claire Goldrick, Walt Gonske, Rose Gonzales, Gould, Margaret & Luther Gutierrez, Dale Hamlet, Pat Harrison, Bill Hatch, Jake Haverstick, Jan Hayes, Albert Herman, Margaret Histia, Nettie Hot, Oden Hullenkramer, Monita James, Scott Jennings, James Ralph Johnson, Walt Johnston, Gladys Kagenauma, James Kerr, Mario Larrinaga, Verna Mae Lee, Patricia Loree, Jane Mabry, Dolores Maho, Mary Manuelito, Annie Manygoats, George Marks, Filomeno Martinez, Julia Martinez, H. Martin, Maynard & Veronica Mavasi, Ila McAfee, Joan McConnell, James Messimer, Eric Michaels, Al Momaday, G.S. Morse, Charles Moyers, John Moyers, Terri Kelly Moyers, William Moyers, C. Myerson, Ray Naha, Flora Naranjo, Madelyn Naranjo, Joy Navasie, Margaret O'Brien, Van Paquin, Jean Parrish, Al Patton, Ken Payne, Dean Pettinger, Vicentita Pino, Robert Redbird, Ramon Rice, Irene Bicker, Alvin Roan, Sara Robinson, Julian Robles, Sharon K. Romero, Virginia Romero, Jerry Rose, Patricia Rose, Ann Rothman, James Roybal, H. Rumpel, A.L. Sahmie, Frances Salazar, Secundino Sandoval, Ted Schuyler, Lillian Seamens, Pamela Seigal, Mary Singer, Sam Smith, Gordon Snidow, Doris Steider, Jack Stoller, Richard Strome, Peter Szeman, Severo Tafoya, Marvin Toddy, Dot Tom, Ben Turner, Alice Valdez, Joann Van Cleave, Pablita Velarde, Bryan Waldrup, Curt Walters, William Warder, Boyd Warner, Elsie Wilson, Della Woosy, Beatin Yazz, David Yazzie, Elouise Yazzie, Nancy Young, Webb Young. |
Abstraction in Albuquerque: Five Artists
KiMo Theater Lobby & Gallery, Albuquerque
January 8 - February 4, 1991
Kim Arthun, Chris Bull, Joan Boyden, Luci Maki, Rudi Verhoeven |
Emerging New Mexico Photographers
Eula Mae Edwards Memorial Museum and Gallery - Clovis Community College
February 19 - March 15, 1991
Joyce Faye, Peter Ashford Hughes, Linda Montoya, Barbara Simpson, Bill Adams, James Burgess, Susan Steffy, Nicholas Trofimuk, Dirk Wales, Vicente Martinez, Cissie Ludlow, Laurie Dickinson Jack, Connie Gotsch, Byron Wolfe, Annie Sahlin, Floren Thompson lll, Nathan McCreery, Karen Zimmerly, David Hoptman, Filmore Rose, Ken Marthey, Greg Erf, Jim Gautier, Victoria Rogers, Emily Kaponen, Zoe Zimmerman, Mark Kane, Kent Bowser, Paige Pinnell, Chris Corkins, John Benjamin, Peter Berggren, Jay Rabinowitz, Lee Marmon, Te Zins, Anna Christine Hansen, Bruce David. |
Public locations along a one mile stretch of Paseo de Peralta in Santa Fe
April - June, 1991
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Allan Houser, Star York, Glenna Goodacre, Doug Coffin, Stuart Ashman, Billy & Chalo Rodriguez, Francis Fox, George Rivera, Siri Hollander, Ramsey Rose, Jim Sayre, Dardo Socas, Carlos Carulo, Estevan Arrellano, Mark Lee, Bob Wade, Bob Haozous, Lisa Lawrence, and many others. |